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Our trip down under there!
17 septembre 2008

24 hours in the campervan

IMG_7793 seen by Tahlia 6 or 6.30 am, is it day time now? Let me check by opening the curtains whilst scrunching elena at the same time. Oh yes it is day time!! Hurray, let me wake up Elena! A new day of fun has just started, I do not want her to miss any of it! Elenaaaaa, Elenaaaaaaa! (shouting by then) ELENAAAAA! Come on elena il faut se reveiller maintenant! (time to wake up now!) By then Elena is either moaning or awake and laughing and giggling while watching our neighborhood. Tahlia’s comments are generally highly interesting: ‘ look a caravan! Oh and look a motor-home! Oh and a tent! Oh ...etc etc And she is still amazed by those amazing houses even though she had seen lots of them! As soon as Tahlia sees that one of us is awake, she is climbing down to jump in our bed.(private note: gosh I am missing my king size bed!!) ‘Regardes Maman, la nuit c’est fini, il fait jour main’enant, il faut te lever, aller...bon d’accord encore un tout petit calin et hop a la douche, ok? Ah Lorelie est reveille attends je vais aller la chercher...etc etc (look Mummy, night is finished now, it is day time, you have to wake up ok just one more cuddle and you go in the shower, ok? I can hear Lorelie, let me go and get her ...etc etc Tahlia is a very chatty little girl. So when it feels very silent we know she is asleep! It works every time. When we are on the move, it is a non stop flow of chitchat, and suddenly we can hear the radio, that is it she is asleep! Time for breakfast now! Breakfast is a very important meal for Tahlia. With a strong preference to sweet taste, she is stuffing herself with muesli porridge AND toast every morning, and whatever else is on offer. She will go on eating until everyone has finished, and all the food is gone. Now it is time to tidy up the van and she will take in charge the cleaning. ‘je vais passer un p’tit coup de balai!’ (and sweep a little bit) ‘Daddy can you open the cupboard to give me the sweeper?’ IMG_7673 IMG_7785 J'ai une manie, c'est me deshabiller, pas ma fote hein, c'est mon tee-shirt il a glisse Tahlia is very entertaining and she loves suggesting ideas of new games or betise that she could do with Elena. She is always very proud when she is the leader and manage to motivate Elena to go the wrong way! But most of the time she is just completely in admiration with her sister and soak in every word and movement her big sister is having. She loves imitating Elena, and (to everyone annoyance when it lasts!) keeps repeating every sentence Elena says like a parrot! She is becoming as helpful as Elena, which can sometimes leads to huge problem over who is going to do the task. Thanksfully our neighbourgh are always happy to have little helpers. I think by now the girls are experts in packing up almost any kind of camping equipment. Tahlia’s cheekiness is really in the fact that she will manage to make us laugh even after making a real mess. She has got lots of funny faces expression that no-one could resist but laughing at. She is also a real wriggler and have a love/hate relationship with . She never walks and runs most of the time which means that she can keep us with us all walking for amazing distance. At the end she is generally nacked and suddenly collapse! Tahlia also loves being on the bike’s seat and have had a few goes on the tag along (which is to high for her) Her prefered toy is a cuddly cat (remind you of something Patrice ;-) )that she called ‘Maow’ . If we were listening to her she will take her with us everywhere. Bu her ever favorite activity is to get naked! Whatever the temperature or the place, in less than 5 minutes she is naked and alway toooooo hot! IMG_7775 Oh c'est qui la maman sur la photo? On dirait moi, mais moi je ne dors pas sur le velo hein maman?? And to finish, a few recent pearls of Tahlia’s spontaneity One evening after having chocolate mousse and having finished her own portion, she was lurking on Elena’s mousse who seemed to just make the pleasure last ages. ze veux bien encore de la mousse moi ah ben tu as fini la tienne, celle la c’est celle d’Elena ah mais il faut partager tu sais? (- I would love some more mousse oh but you have finished yours, this is mine! ah but you have to share, you know? ) After having a small accident, really upset: Mummy, someone weed in my trouser!! (maman quelqun a fait pipi dans mon panta’on!) Her english has really improved and sometimes she is coming up with really funny sentences. What’s your name? Tahliaaaaa and how old are you? I am five! She has also a few favorites words Pourquoi (why) being probably the most used all day round followed by : ‘c’est croiiii ce bruit?’ what is that noise? Some of her favorite expressions are not really translatable A chaque fois qu’il y a une cote, que l’on soit en velo ou a pied, elle s’encourage(ou m’ecourage quand c’est sur le velo!!) mais au lieu de l’expression complete, elle dit: ‘ Hisse la saussice!’ Lorsque Tahlia fait une betise (comment ca elle fait des betises???nonnnnn) et que l’on lui demande pourquoi elle a fait cela, sa reponse est invariable: ‘Parce que moi zavait envie’ Je vais ma'rreter la parce que je pourrais en ecrire un livre de ses petits mots qui nous empeche de garder notre serieux quand on la reprimande....
de ces petits mots d'enfants qui nous font rire ou fondre, le dernier d'Anaëlle (elle parle à Elsa, sa cousine) : "le camping car de Papily et Mamily c'est trop super! Et même, tu sais, il ont une étagère pour dormir!!!" et comme je ris, elle ajoute, très sérieuse et agacée : "mais c'est vraiiii, maman!!"<br /> <br /> Bizzz et à bientôt<br /> <br /> Valé
C'est drolement mignon ton récit. Je crois que nos flocons sont dans la période des "pourquoi", et Guilhem demande régulièrement aussi "c'est quoi ce bruit? " avant de se reprendre tout seul "euh, non, qu'est ce que c'est ce bruit ?"<br /> <br /> Je trouve la phrase "maman quelqun a fait pipi dans mon panta’on!" génialissime!!!!!!
Our trip down under there!