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Our trip down under there!
11 juin 2008


One week already has gone in this truly paradisiacal little island. Our hotel is also making the best food on the beach so we have not been trying any other places. We are now all on the same time lag and all acclimated to the temperature. This week has been truly relaxing. We have had a very slow pace of life, enjoying the place and the friendliness of everyone there. The food is yummy and the tropical fruit mouth watering. It is very easy to be vegetarian and dairy free. On the dairy subject, Asian have been told that they need to consume milk if they want to grow, is that a marketing strategy of the dairy companies? They have always used coconut or soya milk and suddenly they need dairy product? Do northern Europe population consume more dairy than France? I doubt of it! Apparently the demand is so high in China that the milk price has raised brutally. The more I discover on dairy and the more I feel the power of marketing.

The bay is stunning and I do not get bored of having my meals in front of it. The water is continuously changing in colors and the tide makes the bay looks very different each time.

The underwater world is absolutely stunning, and every time I go snorkeling I discover a new type of fish. They are all colorful, all kind of size, shape. The coral has got amazing shape reminding me sometimes of the Chinese roofs, sometimes of the meteorite like the one on Tintin on the moon comic’s album). I have also encountered lots of jelly fishes, they are so numerous in certain places that their name really makes sense; it is like swimming in wobbly jelly. Yeurk!

What a treat to have Thai massage every other day, on a couch overlooking the bay. Elena has complained that we were receiving too much massage and is often asking when she will have a massage!

Everyone has enjoying our kayaking expedition which nearly ended up as during our honey moon, in the dark!!

We also at Elena’s demand went for an elephant safari! Tahlia was really scared and was reassuring me by repeating all the way ‘ we are going to fall mummy, we are going to fall!’

Tahlia for the first time of her life has made a friend,Vigo. He is 3 years old and speaks Finnish and Swedish, she speaks French and English to him, but they do not have any problem for communicating! How, we as adult are uptight with languages ;-)

She has really retrieved her confidence in the water and is happy to jump without any buoy into our arms in the swimming pool. She is also very excited to go in the sea and search for little fishes to try to catch.

On a very different subject, much less glamorous, despite thinking we were trying to do a gentle parenting I have to admit that due to total lack of organization we have forced Tahlia out of nappy, simply because we came out of stock and the local shops did not supply her size. In fact looking at local babies none wear nappy (which probably explain their amazing price!) and I am wondering if they are all practicing elimination communication. Tahlia’s potty training is going really not well as she does not seem to mind at all to wee in her pants! What a difference experience to Elena, we have no idea how to do that ‘potty training’ and in the meantime we try to wash her pants as fast as she drinks….

Elena is still in the adaptation process, and finds it quite hard not to have any children of her age who she could play with, not to go to school, and to spend all her time with Tahlia. The only one who she befriended with is an eleven year old boy who speaks a bit of English. That has caused a few hiccups in her behavior and I would be grateful if someone could remind me what Naomie Aldort wisdom would advice for sibling ‘jealousy’ or at least constant comparison (Why Tahlia has had this and not me?It is unfair!...blablablabla) coupled with a clear trend to boss her around (come here! Don’t do that! etc …) Any tips welcome, thanks!

She has, as well gained much confidence in water. She is happy to be on her own in the deepest area of the swimming pool and is happy like a fish in it. Her only complain is the temperature of the sea, it is boilinggggg mummy, carry me pleaseeee! (what a joke when we think about the cold swims she has had in English or welsh waters….) She is also very scared of all living creatures that live in the water. I wonder who could have told her such stupid tales!

Lorelie is a lovely baby smiling and laughing to attract attention especially from her sisters. She is so laid back and easy going it is a real joy to have her!

I have not yet worked out how to reply to your comments, but it is lovely to read you. Some replies:

Lilou: pour le chien je me suis fait croquer petite, et puis il parait que c’est hereditaire (puree on croirait pas a voir Tahlia leur mettre la mais dans la gueule!) et la j’ai de qui tenir.

Patrice: yes just come, their food is yummy and easily gluten free as well!!

Caro, Cat: j’avoue j’avoue je ne traduis pas toujours tout et promis la prochaine fois je mets un truc en francais…

Nath et ta photo de toi elle est ou???

Vale gros poutous!

Tata: si ca te tente il faut reserver bien a l'avance (enfin en mois hein...) c'est la vraie folie cet hotel est constamment plein alors que les autres sur la meme plage sont vides vu que c'est hors saison. En tous cas je ne peux que conseiller, c'est vraiment vraiment extra!

Cette fois que je ne vais pas faire de fausse manip pour te laisser un message :)<br /> <br /> Whaouh on est vraiement à des années lumières au niveau vie, cela a l'air trop génial, j'espère que Tahlia va vite être propre alors ;) sinon on t'en envoie de couche ;)<br /> <br /> Ici tout roule, nous venons de fêter les 5 ans de Thomas qui a été archi gâté ....<br /> <br /> <br /> Tiens pour revenir à ta réflexion sur le lait, j'ai un ami qui bosse chez Candia et qui hait Danone et sa politique de faire bouffer du Yahourt aux Asiatiques alors qu'ils n'ont pas l'enzime pour digérer le lait, mais que grâce à eux les Chinois ont tué nos réserves de lait, et il table l'année prochaine sur un pack de lait 6*1l aux alentours de 8 euros :(, pareil pour le blé et toutes les matières premières, ton raisonnement est totalement juste...<br /> <br /> <br /> Bisous à vous 5<br /> <br /> <br /> Feel
J'espère que le message est tout de même compréhensible car j'ai deux lutins qui argumentent devant moi le "pourquoi je dois être le seul ou la seule à aller dans la cabane" vaste programme...<br /> <br /> Je file enfiler ma tenue de négociatrice ;-)
Je ne sais pas si je vais continuer à venir vous lire ça donne tellement envie (du coup je pense à ceux qui suivaient notre voyage au canada...) Promis ma belle dès que j'attrape sam on fait une photo du gros bidon et je te l'envoie par mail. <br /> T'inquiètes pas pour les couches, ça va aller : Merlin ici attaque la propreté de nuit mais c'est pas gagné... Nuit de crotte ici On a tous les rhume et les nez bouchés empêchent tout le monde de dormir... et Merlin n'a rien trouvé de mieux que de s'arracher un ongle hier, il souffre mon lutin.<br /> <br /> Bétina dit que c'est pas juste qu'Elena se baigne, elle a "trop de la chance" c'est sûr que vu le temps qu'on a ici c'est pas gagné... Elle vous qu'on vous rejoigne comme à Bristol... à l'insouciance des enfants...<br /> <br /> Je suis ravie de lire vos nouvelles, je vais devenir une accro de votre blog. Nous vous embrassons tous très fort.<br /> <br /> La Chameletfamily
Quand nous serons prêts, je ne manquerais pas de te le dire... On commence par un voyage à la fois, là où on peut... cette été ce n'est pas si loin, en tout cas, ça se fait en voiture.<br /> <br /> Bises ma belle et ta magnifique famille aussi !
y'a des jours où je me dis que vraiment, on est en phase...Hier, je me demandais comment endiguer cette éternelle comparaison de Manon et Anaëlle entre elles : et pourquoi elle et pas moi (des fois, la réponse est juste : parce que je n'ai pas 4 bras, et donc une par une....;0) ) et pourquoi ci pourquoi ça...??? Grrr, un âge peutêtre? Si tu trouves une réponse satistafaisante, je prends!!!<br /> <br /> Et pour Tahlia, poufpouf, pas top cool....Ici, Camille ne veut plus de sa couche et ...fait pipi par terre partout...très très sympa!! (chercher les flaques...) et puis on ne s'encombre pas de culotte mouillée, on la laisse proche du 1er lieu de flaque et on va poursuivre ses activités...cul nu!!! :0O<br /> <br /> Allez, bizz à vous 5 et plein de bonheurs<br /> <br /> Valé
Our trip down under there!