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Our trip down under there!
19 février 2009

Khong *

Elena misses a few things since we have left England, 9 months ago (already!). The first one on the list is probably her friends, and I won’t make a list but surely we cannot forget our friends in Bristol, she constantly speaks about them. The second thing is SCHOOL! When will she be able to go to school again, will it be in Australia, or in New Zealand or or or .... DSCN0945 Elena's friends in uniform (I will show you Elena in her uniform very soon ;-) ) IMG_0751 Anyway as soon as she understood we were going to stay for a long time in Vietnam in the same place, that was it. Every day she asked to go to the local school. So here we are, waking up every morning for Miss Elena to go to the local school. It starts at 6.30 am......hmmmmm yes, who said we were on long term holidays? Obviously she does not speak any vietnamese, but still she loves it and understand the various activities she is commenting on the way back home! She is so happy to go to school and so enthusiastic about the experience, her new friends (whose vietnamese names she can not remember...), her school work, everything! Everyday she has to do pages of writing to learn vietnamese letters, which makes it quite challenging. The first day she showed me what she had to do: a page of O. No mummy, not O , it is an A. Argh my vietnamese is really not up to speed! DSCN0946 Elena's school, just one room, not even toilet... Tahlia really wanted to go as well, but we decided against it, mainly as she has never been to school before and also to allow each of them to experience something on their own. The result is that we end up with just Lorelie every morning as Tahlia goes and plays in the neighborhood while Elena is at school. How weird to have only one child again ;-) IMG_0721 * school in vietnamese
Excellent! Je dirai ca aux filles, ca va leur faire drole (le coup de faire pipi dans la cour, parce que le sans culotte, ca ne les derangerait pas vu qu'elles sont tout le temps a poil!)<br /> Elena est toute mimi dans son uniforme. Et effectivement, elle fait grande! (ca doit etre le soleil qui la fait pousser si vite! ;-) )<br /> bises
Voui tout le monde en rose! C'est trop mimi! Elena les depasse allegrement de 2 tetes mais bon elle est specialement grande et ils sont plutot petits!<br /> <br /> Tu sais quoi pipi et autre c'est dasn la cour avec un petit papier que l'on enterre et le truc terrible c'est que aucun n'a de cullote en dessous du short du coup Elena ne veux plus mettre de culotte....hmmmmmmmmm
Coucou!<br /> J'ai lu le poste et montre les photos aux filles, elles sont tres excitees pour Elena, et tres interessees par sa nouvelle experience a l'ecole vietnamienne, il faudra nous donner d'autres details! commentaire de Lily: " Ohh, that's not fair, she gets to wear a pink uniform!" ;-), et commentaire des 2 grandes: "But where do they go to the toilet then?"<br /> Bises a vous 5.
Our trip down under there!